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Global Trailer Magazine



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Global Trailer Magazine(圖1)-速報App

Global Trailer is the first business publication solely dedicated to the international commercial trailer scene. In-depth features explore both markets around the globe, look behind the scenes of factories, report on technology updates, current research and more. Global Trailer is read by industry leaders worldwide, to keep up-to-date on pressing issues affecting the commercial road transport industry.

Trend: As demand for transport equipment in India is expected to ramp up, the industry might face a supply shortage. Filling in the blank, Tranztar has risen from zero to hero overnight.

Market: Part of the BRIC ensemble, Russia is a hybrid mingling a Europe’s focus on innovation and Asia’s unrivalled growth potential in one promising marketplace.

Business: If you focus on statistics alone, doing business in China can be a traumatic experience. But can it really be that hard?

Global Trailer Magazine(圖2)-速報App

Technology: If a road were perfectly flat, a suspension system would not be necessary. But there is no perfectly flat road, so intelligent suspension design has to keep the transport industry running.

Download the Global Trailer app to read about these breaking developments and more, and discover the most valuable knowledge database in the trailer industry.

SUBSCRIBE to Global Trailer and never miss an issue www.globaltrailermag.com

Like to know more? Email info@globaltrailermag.com


Interactive magazine format viewable as a single or double-page spread Easy-to-use interface In-depth features Breaking developments.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad